
D.Y.Patil School of Engineering Polytechnic

Any prominent career starts with good education. Together with us, you will have an opportunity of getting better and deeper knowledge of the subjects that can build your future

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President's Welcome

 image of Dr.Ajeenkya Patil talking with students

Welcome to D.Y.Patil College – a college with a national reputation for academic excellence and innovation, and a family of talented faculty and staff who cares deeply about your success. .

This year D.Y.Patil College will officially launch its service leadership initiative and provide opportunities for students to serve communities locally and globally while developing their leadership skills. One of the stated goals in the college's Educational Master Plan is to encourage student participation in leadership and activities outside the classroom that engage students with the college and the community.

D.Y.Patil has a commitment to an institutional learning outcome of “community/global consciousness and responsibility” – that is, D.Y.Patil believes in creating an environment whereby students learn social perceptiveness, including empathy, cultural awareness, citizenship, ethics, interpersonal skills, personal integrity, and community service.

Studies show a growing gap between the needs of employers and the skills needed in workforce, leaving far too many quality jobs unfilled. Employer surveys also found that to be successful, students need to be proficient in leadership and non-technical skills such as emotional intelligence, teamwork, critical thinking, and communications. Furthermore, students need to have a strong sense of community as they navigate work and life.

With the service leadership initiative, D. Y. Patil College is redefining its future role in India in ways that will deepen how we can better serve our students, employers, and communities locally and globally. Whether you are just beginning or continuing your studies, many opportunities for involvement in service leadership await you. We encourage you to take advantage of every aspect of D. Y. Patil to enrich both your educational and social life, while serving others around you.

As your college president, I am eager to meet you and help you achieve your aspirations. We are here for you! On behalf of the faculty and staff at D. Y. Patil, I wish you every success and enjoyment in the pursuit of your academic goals.

Dr. Ajeenkya Patil
D. Y. Patil School of Engineering (polytechnic), Lohegaon.
